A Message from the Event Committee
Osu Seiyu Karate Students!
We are happy to announce the much awaited return of our annual Vancouver Cup Kata Tournament. What’s even more special is that this tournament happens to line up with Vancouver Seiyu Karate's 30th anniversary, making this year and this tournament a big milestone for all of us.
Like all previous tournaments, the Vancouver Cup provides our students the opportunity to showcase their karate skill and talent to friends, family and fellow club members. It's not often that our different dojo locations can come together, and this tournament provides the perfect platform for us to come together and re-connect.
Thank you to all who have supported our club and tournaments over the past 30 years. We look forward to seeing you as we celebrate our club’s achievements and bring back our biggest event of the year. Good luck to all our competitors!
Sempai Keegan Wong
Tournament Director
Event Commiittee
Sempai Keegan Wong, Tournament Director
Sempai Melchor Berceles, Associate Director
Shihan Tats Nakamura, Branch Chief

General Information
Open to
Vancouver Cup 2022 Karate Kata Championships
Sunday, October 2nd, 2022
Killarney Community Centre
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
$25/competitor, Register by September 19th
All active Seiyu Karate members

Aug 7
Aug 20
Sep 6
Sep 19
Sep 25
Oct 2
Online registration begins
Officiating clinic
Registration due for volunteers and officials
Registration due for competitors
Officiating clinic and Volunteer meeting
Tournament Day!
At this website
At the summer camp
from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Close at 10:00 pm
Close at 10:00 pm
At Killarney Gym
from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
2:30-3:30 pm
3:30-4:00 pm
4:00-6:00 pm
6:00-7:30 pm
Officials and Volunteers Check-in, Venue Setup
Competitors Check-in
Venue Takedown and Cleanup
Promo Video
Highlight clips from the 2019 tournament. We are excited to bring back the event for the first time in three years!
Open to Seiyu Karate members, 6 and older, any belt ranks
Register by September 19th, 2022
Never competed before? Don't worry! Our instructors will help you or your child prepare for it.

Volunteers and Judges
Open to Seiyu Karate members, 15 and older, any belt ranks
You can volunteer or judge during the children's divisions and compete in the teen's or adult's divisions.
Register by September 6th, 2022