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Belt Test Requirements

Children 6-12

White stripe testing for Orange Belt

An applicant must be 7 and over at the time of application.

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How to: 

▪ Stand in Fudo Dachi

▪ Bow

▪ Sit down to Seiza

▪ Bow in Seiza

▪ Relax the Legs

▪ Stand up


▪ Seiken Chudan Zuki

▪ Seiken Jodan Zuki

▪ Uraken Shomen Uchi

▪ Uraken Sayu Uchi

▪ Uraken Hizo Uchi

▪ Uraken Mawashi Uchi

▪ Seiken Ago Uchi

▪ Jodan Uke

▪ Soto Uke

▪ Uchi Uke

▪ Gedan Barai

▪ Hiza Geri

▪ Mae Geri

▪ Mae Keage

▪ Uchi Mawashi Keage

▪ Yoko Geri

▪ Ushiro Geri

▪ Mawashi Geri

Ido and Kata

▪ Zenkutsu Oi Zuki

▪ Zenkutsu Gyaku Zuki

▪ Taikyoku 1

▪ Taikyoku 2

Japanese Terms

▪ Seiyu Karate

▪ Osu

▪ Seiza

▪ Dogi

▪ Dojo

▪ Obi

▪ Fudo Dachi

▪ Sensei

▪ Kihon

▪ Kata

▪ How to count 1 to 10

▪ 10 times


▪ Splits

▪ Chest to Floor

Kumite (sparring)

▪ 1 match

Non-Contact Rules

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